
Economic changes by alladin khalji
Economic changes by alladin khalji

economic changes by alladin khalji

The Sultan also put an end to the special privileges of the Chaudhuris (headmen of the parganas), Khuts (zamindars), and Muquddams (headmen of the villages). At the same time he wanted to raise the revenue from the land. First, he wanted to establish direct link between the States and the tillers of the soil. All types of speculation and black marketing were stopped.Īlauddin’s economic measures had also another important aspect and that related to his land revenue policy. In return they had to sell all commodities at the fixed rates. “To the merchants he gave wealth, and placed before them goods in abundance”. All merchants in Delhi were required to register themselves. Everything was set down in tariff vegetables, fruits, sugar, old, horses, caps, shoes, combs, and needles.” No one was permitted to purchase grain from the cultivators directly. To this end he resolved to control the prices of necessaries.Īlauddin fixed the prices of food grains, cloth and other commodities, and had them enforced rigorously. Accordingly the Sultan’s main concern was to enable the soldier to live on his pay. Hence Alauddin fixed the salaries of his huge army at a very low level. However, such an army could not be permanently maintained without straining the resources of the State. He had, besides, the ambition of conquering the whole of India. This had become all the more imperative in view of Mongal raids and internal revolts. Alauddin Khilji introduced many economic reforms during his rule. Alauddin had to maintain a huge army.

Economic changes by alladin khalji